Advanced Reading Copies of Sunken Dreams!

Recently received and proofed my advanced reading copies (ARC) of Sunken Dreams, the first book in the Jake Caine Archaeology Mystery series. The book looks great overall, and I found only two small errors that needed correction; it really helps a lot when you have great editors who can help you produce a polished, professional novel. As a writer, you find it difficult at times to edit your own work. The brain fills in gaps, and since you know the story by heart (or nearly so), you tend to gloss over things too quickly.Sunken Dreams ARC

Copies of the Sunken Dreams ARC have been sent out to various agencies and individuals for review, prior to final publication and review. Five Star/Cengage takes care of most of this task, but I’ve sent out a few copies myself. I’ll be posting early reviews in the next few weeks!

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